Friday, May 3, 2024

Culture Shock #33: German children also play the recorder

I thought this was a U.S. American elementary school thing. I have since learned otherwise. I am so desperate to know why music teachers across the globe choose this sad excuse of an instrument to teach their students. What the hell did that conference look like? Let me think.

Global Elementary School Music Teacher Conference

Alright everyone, we need to decide what instrument we are going to teach the children.


Lovely, but good luck affording 30 pianos, let alone finding a large enough space to put them.


Great idea, but good luck affording 30 guitars, let alone finding a large enough space to put them.


Solid plan, but good luck affording 30 saxophones, let alone finding a large enough space to put them.


You're joking right.

The recorder?

...yeah, guess that's our only real option. But good luck affording good noise-cancelling earplugs, let alone finding a safe space to put them. Meeting adjourned. 

Culture Shock #41: Germans don't know how to bake chocolate chip cookies

To be clear here, I don't mean all cookies. Germans have a wild and insatiable lust for baking and consuming Christmas cookies, and I go...