Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Culture Shock #11: Germans aren't made out of sugar

I showed up to my first ever date in Germany in rain pants and a rain jacket. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling my most gorgeous. I guess that's kind of the point, though. People here in Germany simply do not prioritize looking their most gorgeous. Not to beat a dead horse, but it really is functionality above all. Even on first dates. 

Our plan was to go on a hike. When it started downpouring, I reached out about rescheduling. A rain check, if you will. I should've known better - there is no German word for "rain check". The concept itself doesn't exist. Instead, there are a host of German expressions to communicate the opposite sentiment. Here are two illustrative examples:

"Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur schlechte Kleidung" - "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing."

"Du bist nicht aus Zucker" - "You are not made of sugar"

We went hiking in the rain. I wore my rain pants and a rain jacket. It was quite nice, actually. I'm slowly getting used to being more exposed to the elements on a daily basis. Not that I have much of a choice... riding a bike everywhere / not having a car / the German practice of flinging windows wide open every thirty minutes means I really do have to dress for the weather now. Comment your favorite brand of wool socks below.


  1. Darn Tough -- dad swears by these socks, and I enjoy mine too. There are lots of thicknesses and every possible length. And colors and designs. Their website should keep you busy for a while.

  2. i did not know rain pants were even a thing. i'm picturing you showing up in a full latex bodysuit.


Culture Shock #41: Germans don't know how to bake chocolate chip cookies

To be clear here, I don't mean all cookies. Germans have a wild and insatiable lust for baking and consuming Christmas cookies, and I go...