- Do Germans know what plungers are?
- Would a German know how to use a plunger if they were handed one?
- What do Germans do if their toilet gets clogged?
- Has a German toilet ever gotten clogged?
- Is the German toilet-flushing system better equipped to handle the average German bowel movement than the U.S. American toilet-flushing system is for the average U.S. American bowel movement?
- Is this because the German toilet-flushing system is heartier? More robust? Elite?
- Or might this be due to the fact that the average German bowel movement is, like the German backpack, more conscious of the appropriate amount of space it should take up in the world than the average U.S. American bowel movement?
- Do German plumbers exist? Do they use plungers?
Any insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
germans don't poop actually. their bodies are too effective and reabsorb every single nutrient that passes through their bodies.