Sunday, April 7, 2024

Culture Shock #23: Germans clap when the plane lands

I've only experienced this phenomenon once before, when I flew El Al. I remember the feeling of surprise as the roar of wheels on tarmac was suddenly underscored by a burst of applause from my fellow El Al passengers. The surprise I felt on my El Al flight was a delighted kind, as I figured the overnight flight from Chicago across the ocean to the holy land warranted such a celebratory reaction. Who was I to take this flight for granted anyway? I might've even clapped along.

That being said, never in my 23 (!!) years did I ever expect to hear applause upon the landing of my $80 two-hour RyanAir flight from Alicante, Spain to Karlsruhe, Germany. This time, the surprise I felt was more out of disbelief than delight. Why were my fellow RyanAir passengers, almost exclusively German, clapping after a two-hour flight? I felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment for them. It was one of the first times since moving to Europe that I hoped I'd get clocked as an American who knows better.  

I don't mean any offense to RyanAir, you were deliciously affordable and thankfully punctual...although now that I think about it, what more could one want in a flight? Affordability and punctuality? Did you know that 90% of RyanAir flights were on time last year? A flight attendant announced this little factoid over the plane's loudspeaker after we landed, like a fourth-grader holding up a report card full of A's, itching with pride.

As dedicated readers of my blog already know, Germans love punctuality. Now we know they'll even clap for it. 


  1. “All the world’s a stage”…?

  2. my favorite part of this is you writing off the first applause as a form of religious celebration


Culture Shock #41: Germans don't know how to bake chocolate chip cookies

To be clear here, I don't mean all cookies. Germans have a wild and insatiable lust for baking and consuming Christmas cookies, and I go...